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Welcome to the maternity care professionals!

At the registration form, you will see a button labeled “Groeiboek” (Growth Book) in the top right corner. After you sign up, you will gain access to your personal Growth Book. With your own MijnGroeiboek (My Growth Book), we aim to make things as easy as possible for you. You will find various tips and guidance that you can use during pregnancy, postnatal period, maternity assistance, and beyond.

When is the best time to arrange maternity care?

If you want to secure a spot, make sure to be on time! Don’t wait too long to register. You can do this as early as the beginning of your pregnancy. We recommend doing it before the 10-week ultrasound (dating scan).

Indicate preference.

If you have a preference for a specific maternity care professional, please indicate it when filling out the registration form. This way, we can book you directly with the right maternity caregiver.

Compensation for maternity care

Maternity care is covered by the basic health insurance. This means that the costs for the indicated hours of maternity care will be reimbursed by your health insurer, except for the statutory personal contribution of €4.80 per hour (2023). If you have additional insurance, you will usually receive full or partial reimbursement for the personal contribution.

Students in training

There is an emergency alarm in maternity care, namely a major shortage of maternity nurses. Every year, many maternity nurses retire, and very few new ones are being trained. If this continues, it means that in the future, there will be little to no maternity care available. Therefore, we, the Maternity Care Professionals, are guiding future maternity nurses during their internships so that we can have more professional maternity nurses in the future.

During the intake interview, you can discuss your preferences with us here.